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Already In Your 40s & Haven’t Saved Anything? These Tips from Warren Buffet Can Help

Are you wealthy? Do you have a constant income source that will last your entire lifetime? Are you absolutely sure your family will be taken care of even if you’re not around?

If the answer to those questions is ‘No,’ my friend, you need to start building your savings NOW!

We get it. Saying you should have savings and actually building wealth are two different things. And for most people, accumulating a good amount is challenging.


Pexels | Accumulating savings before 40 can sometimes get challenging, but these tips can help

But that’s what we’re here for! We’ve compiled some of the most effective saving strategies from none other than Warren Buffet, the man who earns billions through his investments. If you want to have your own comfortable money-cushion to fall back on, you shouldn’t miss these tips.

Boost your state pension

In this era of ever-increasing expenses, you can’t live only on state pension. Thus, a wise move would be to have some additional income supporting your expenses. You can start with only a little amount but grow your investment into substantial funds over time.

Warren Buffet points out that there’s no harm in investing in long term stocks and SIPPs (Self Investment Personal Pension). For this financial year, you can contribute your entire earning to the fund without taxes if you’re working, if not, you can contribute up to 36,000 Euros.

Read – What is SIPP?


Pexels | Work out a long-term strategy and invest in long term stocks

Don’t shy away from investing after retirement

Several people aren’t familiar with investing, and if you are too, Buffet suggests you go ahead with buying funds rather than individual shares. Funds contain several claims that cover financial index, sectors, or other specific investments. However, if you have a bit more experience with investment strategies, jump straight to buying the shares of individual companies, and then have them locked in your SIPP and ISA. Through investment vehicles like these, you can also invest in government or corporate bonds, unit trust, commercial properties, ETC Exchange-traded funds.

Special tips from Warren Buffett’s locker

Everyone knows about billionaire Warren Buffett and his success stories from investing in the compound stock. If you’re not aware of what compound investing is, it’s when you get a little interest initially, but then that interest again makes more interest rapidly to compound whatever you originally invested. Find out about the stocks and dividends that can be reinvested to gain compound interest.

Read – Grow Your Savings with Compound Interest

Pro tip: Here’s the best trick Warren Buffet shared. He said the ultimate investment idea was putting your money on what you know. What this means is that you should only invest in the stocks of a company or fund about which you have plenty of knowledge. Only when you understand their strategy will you have confidence in your action.


Pexels | Before investing in a company’s shares, research and study it

Wrapping it up

When you’re in your 40s, sometimes things can get a little tough without some extra cash to support your everyday expenses. But there’s nothing to worry about. We’re sure you can have bundles soon with these master tactics from the master of investments.

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