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Saving Money Made Easy With Five Simple Tips

A wise man once said, it’s not your salary that makes you rich; it’s your spending habits. TBH, we couldn’t agree more!

From the gorgeous dress on the mannequin to the mouth-watering cuisine at the next-door restaurant, there are tons of things that might tempt you into spending your hard earned money. But it’s that split-second choice where you decide to spend or save money that defines the depth of your fortune down the line. 


Eric Muhr/Unsplash | A penny saved is a penny earned. Therefore, spend wisely and keep these tips in mind to accumulate a fortune

Saving money is indeed an art that not everyone can master. It’s often very challenging to keep the temptations at bay when you have cash in hand, but as they say, it’s a necessary evil. If you want to lead a comfortable life, you’ll just have to save money. 

Finding it a bit too difficult? Well, here are a few tips to help you out.

Keep your bank’s app at your fingertips

Doesn’t the thought of standing in long queues at the bank make you feel lethargic? If it does, you’re not alone! The black and white environment of banks bothers everyone. But you can’t keep delaying transactions, or else one day you’ll run out of your savings. The smartest way to solve this problem is by keeping your bank’s app updated on your smartphone. Saving time was never easier!

Start using Drop

Every time you pay a bill, your heart skips a beat. And why wouldn’t it; after all, it’s saying goodbye to your pocket’s dearest friend, right? But with the Drop app, you can earn back those precious dollars in the form of cash and rewards (now ain’t that a win-win deal?). It’s like getting paid to fulfill your wishes!


Say no to alcohol when eating outdoors

How many times have you planned your lunch and dinner according to the happy hour? Yep, we can see your guilty grin! We don’t blame you though since everyone loves to save those extra pennies. However, you can’t always plan your meals around the happy hour, so every once a while, try saying no to alcohol when dining outside. Drinks increase bills when you’re dining at a restaurant, so try opting for something less costly like fruit juice or soda (have you tried sticking to plain old water though?).

Don’t be impulsive when shopping

When buying outfits or groceries, don’t get driven by offers and discounts. The whole online and offline market setup is made to allure you into making thoughtless purchases. But remember, your savings are more important than those products. Only buy items that you actually need and skip the rest. 

Cancel unnecessary subscriptions

We totally get that having more subscriptions gives you access to more content. But think from a saver’s perspective – it also costs you extra dollars. If you save that money for some time, you can spend it on something far better. Thus, removing subscriptions that you don’t use much often would be best. 


Curology/Unsplash | You could consider removing subscriptions that you don’t use much often to save some extra pennies

Wrapping it up

Though we believe you can take away a lot from those tips, if they’re not sufficient for you, follow the traditional way and save a dollar or two every day. Don’t forget, little things can add up to make a big difference. 

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