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What Makes a Profitable Business? Take a Look at How Simon Cowell Runs His Successful Company

If you were to name the most successful celebrities you know off the top of your head, would Simon Cowell make the list? He most definitely should, seeing as the man has made it in the entertainment industry by propelling others to stardom.

Through his expertise, he has nurtured lots of raw talent, with those he has mentored now having their own shows in Vegas, with others becoming international stars. Have the ex-One Direction members come to mind yet?

Nurturing talent is what he does best

Syco Entertainment

Simon owns Syco Entertainment, and as you would imagine, the company is doing quite well. Under Syco’s umbrella are a record label, a production company (TV, music, and film), a publishing house, and a talent agency.

With so much under its belt, Syco Entertainment is divided into Syco TV, Syco Film, and Syco TV, with everything being placed in its most appropriate division. Via this company, Simon is able to manage the Got Talent shows as well as other talent shows.

As the company’s director, it is believed that Simon’s personal net worth is well above £360 million. Why wouldn’t it be a staggering figure, given that Syco Entertainment makes profits of over £38 million annually? Or at least that’s what the company made for the fiscal year that ended on March 2018.

The X Factor panel

To fully understand the gravity of this amount, let’s break it down. £38 million in 52 weeks translates to £73,000, wait for it, daily. Wow! Just how lucky is this guy? You must be dying to be in his shoes!

As for the Got Talent and X Factor shows, you already know that Simon Cowell leads the pack. Thus far, the X Factor is broadcast in over 45 countries, while the Got Talent brand has spread out its reach to almost 200 countries, the most recent of which are the East African countries.

If you didn’t know, Simon doesn’t just search for talent then leave the individuals to hack it on their own. Each year, the X Factor winner gets the opportunity to sign with the mogul’s record label, and just like that they’re handed a platform on which to kick start their career.

With the little you know about Simon Cowell, does he look like the man who would prefer being idle at any one time? When he’s not at work, he’s coming up with ideas on what next project he can direct his energy to.

A Monkey Boyband

Last December, The Sun came out with a pretty interesting story, revealing that Simon is planning to start a CGI-animated monkey boyband, labeled The Monkeys. What? The monkeys will be based on The Beatles, One Direction, and Take That stars, with David Williams tasked with writing the script with which Simon will launch The Monkeys.

David will write the band’s script

Did you know that Simon has no idea what happens when you go out shopping? Amanda Holden, fellow judge at Britain’s Got Talent, revealed this little known fact about her boss saying that he doesn’t understand the £1 back trolley concept.

He also has no idea what Bag For Life is, but would you really blame him? You don’t expect THE one and only Simon Cowell to do his own shopping, do you?

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