Funny Airport Photos That Are So Outrageous That You Won’t Believe They Actually Happened

Who Tricked This Little Munchkin?

Nowadays, which kid wouldn’t want to be surrounded by technology? Gadgets have more or less become a necessity, especially at an airport, where you need something to while away time. But this kid seems to be in a situation with only two possible explanations: either he forgot to charge his device before leaving the house or drained the battery before catching the flight.

That’s probably why he is trying to push the charger into a deceptive-looking socket. But it doesn’t seem to work. He soon realizes that it isn’t a socket at all. It’s actually a sticker! Now that’s a mean prank.

Perks Of Being Bubbly At An Airport

The world has become quite advanced, especially in terms of security. But sometimes, the airport security system can be even tighter than government institutions! From drug traffickers to petty thieves, airports are a buzz of activity for all. Naturally, airlines have to be stringent to ensure passenger safety.

However, body searches aren’t always comfortable, especially when you’ve been marked for cavity search on arrival. Fortunately, this airport has authorities who are thoughtful enough to assign a woman officer to body search female travelers. ‘Coz God knows this would’ve been awkward otherwise!

A Matter Of Life And Death

Not all officials are serious and dull; some like the occasional laugh! Look at this pilot who just wants to entertain his colleagues and passengers by cracking jokes. But the catch is, it’s funny only for the ones who get it. Others would surely be running for their lives!

You see, the captain is wearing sunglasses and posing with a white cane to give the impression that he’s blind; which, of course, he isn’t! If he actually were, boy, by the time he’d retire, thousands of people would be dead, wouldn’t they! It seems that the passengers were kind and didn’t complain about the prank.

Two Birds With One Stone

Even dads can be funny at times. Children taking piggy-back rides on their dads’ backs is common, but this father took child management to another level. Well, come to think of it, he was giving his baby a ride, but the place and time were pretty unusual. 

This little girl sure looks exhausted. But her father devised the perfect trick to transport her and their luggage at the same time. Instead of carrying his daughter in one hand and two bags in the other, he simply let his child hang over the suitcase and pulled it along, giving her a nice ride as she snoozed!

Self-Obsession At Its Best

In today’s world of personalized gifting, exchanging custom-printed merchandise isn’t a big deal. Sometimes, people even get their own pictures printed on stuff to make them memorable. This particular passenger, however, displayed a unique level of self-love through her custom-printed suitcase.

She was pictured carrying a hardshell suitcase with her face printed on it in bold! Although it wasn’t something new, people usually print celebrity photos, pet photos, or sometimes a child’s picture on a suitcase, but to paste your own face on it is a bit weird, don’t you think? 

Nap That Requires A Rescue Mission

We know that in situations like delayed flights, overbooking, or layover, one can’t depend only on the phone to pass their time. One eventually does get bored and feel sleepy. But even though sleeping seems feasible in such situations, it can lead to several issues. 

This lady, for instance, has devised a great way to sleep safely so that no one can kidnap her. But while she might have taken her time to wriggle into this position, she definitely won’t be able to wriggle out of it in a hurry if her flight is announced! Bye-bye booking amount.

When You Run Into Your Long-Lost Brother

People who’re living away from their families crave their company over the holidays. For some, it’s double the fun because they get to see their relatives too. And in every family, there’s at least one cousin who shows up just once a year, and that too in grand style. This picture is of two such people; only they’re not cousins (or even related).

Call them soul brothers if you will. These two like-minded individuals happened to meet each other at the airport, and guess what; they were wearing the exact same outfits (only in different colors). From the looks of it, they couldn’t be happier. Holiday fever indeed!

Standing Out From The Crowd

Traveling light is something that everyone wants to do, but it looks like some people are taking it way too seriously. This person is wearing nothing but an extravagant suit that looks like a movie costume straight off the stage. We wonder how much transporting cost he’s paid for that fish-shaped head, though. 

A mere glance is enough to make out that it’s oversized and doesn’t comply with the check-in luggage size limit of 62 inches. This means he might have paid extra to carry this giant fish head on the plane. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem to be carrying any other luggage.

When You Let Your Kids Out Of Sight For One Moment

‘Bring Your Child To Work’ day doesn’t always work out the way  Remember how they say that your parents play an important role in taking you to greater heights? Well, it looks like this pilot has taken the advice too literally. 

The expression on the child’s face makes this photo look very convincing, but there is absolutely no way that this could be real. The best explanation that we can think of is that this child is posing in front of a virtual cockpit, but his performace definitely calls for an award!

What Friends Are Really For 

This photograph was taken in 2018 at the Belfast International Airport. Well, it’s not difficult to understand that the person wearing that skin-tight dress is struggling with a rather large sheet of paper. And guess what it actually is? His boarding pass!

The pass doesn’t have the incorrect name or anything. It’s just that it’s printed in such gigantic letters that it doesn’t even fit on the barcode scanner. Yep, that’s definitely the work of a genius mind, and we bet it’s none other than one of his friends. But the attire does leave us puzzled. Maybe it’s just another prank?

A Magical Stick

Souvenirs remind you of the remarkable time you spent on a trip, and as children, it’s very normal to get back mementos like corals, pebbles, and precious stones. But look at what this passenger got; a rather large stick from the jungle! Needless to say, it must’ve been a shocker for other passengers. And we do hope this was a child’s whimsical fantasy.

Imagine what the parents must have gone through when the child insisted this stick be carried along on the plane. Maybe they started throwing tantrums too. Anyways, it sure looks like the airport crew had to be extra cautious with this cargo!

What To Do When Your Flight Gets Delayed

Accidents can happen to anybody, but the situation becomes worse at stressful places like airports. It’s normal to lose your luggage or experience a delay in flights (maybe even miss one) and it looks like something similar happened with Santa Barbara’s State Street Ballet troupe. 

Due to an unexpected delay, they had to wait at Denver International Airport for five hours. But the troupe had a rather interesting way of coping with the bad news. They began performing their routine on the auto walk at the airport, entertaining everybody around them. Aren’t they a bunch of jolly good fellows?

Mementos From A Fun Trip

When we think about a keepsake from a trip, the first thing that comes to mind is a little trinket, a pack of exotic snacks, or a cool picture by the poolside of a luxury hotel. Tt makes for a great Instagram story, doesn’t it? But as for this guy, it wasn’t the same.

Taking the concept of mementos  to a new level, this mister brought along an entire granite statue on the airplane! Not kidding, but it’s more like that thing has “forget me not” written all over it. At least she brought a piece of the holiday with her to remind her of the fun time she had.

Anti-Theft Luggage

Every school has a possessive kid who labels everything they own. From pencils to textbooks, they mark their initials on all their belongings so that they don’t get lost. But do such kids outgrow this silliness once they become adults? Well, this picture suggests otherwise. 

This man looks like he has lost his carry-on luggage quite a few times, and that’s why he’s printed his photograph on it. Frankly, after this, nobody would dare touch his hand luggage even by mistake. But giving him the benefit of doubt, there’s a possibility that someone gifted it to him, and he couldn’t say no.

When you do right by everyone and still get embarrassed

They could easily have won an award for the best-dressed gentlemen at the airport had it not been for this perfectly-timed picture. These suited men in hats were leaning against the railing while conversing with each other casually. But everyone else on the other side was surely laughing their heads off. 

The banner on the railing was to be blamed. It made the man in the middle look like he’d forgotten to wear his pants and was purposely flaunting a feathered scarf over a red bikini bottom! And wait, there’s more. The gentleman in the far right corner appears to be getting ready to kick the guy in the middle

Looks Like Santa Won’t Make It Home For Christmas

This one’s going to be hard for the kids. It seems that Santa will be late this year because he might have to catch a plane since his reindeers took a day off, so he couldn’t use the sled. Or maybe he was just taking a cheap flight so that he could finish his job early and get back to Mrs. Claus in time for Christmas. 

Jokes aside, it looks like even Santa couldn’t make it through the airport security. Maybe he tried to slip some unconventional gifts. And judging by the look on the security personnel’s face, he’s not gonna be back soon.

No Time For Love

It’s normal to witness lots of goodbyes and hellos at airports, and more often than not, such emotions are conveyed in the form of hugs and kisses. But some airports have bizarre policies regarding such gestures. If you’re boarding an airline at Denmark’s Aalborg Airport, for instance, don’t forget to look for this sign that went viral on the internet a few years back.  

Even though the Danish aren’t blind to emotion, you can’t kiss someone goodbye longer than three minutes at this airport! Well, we don’t know if they have a timekeeper keeping track but what we do know is that you can question rules when on foreign land.

No One’s More Creative Than These Kids

Kids are notorious, but these three munchkins are adorable. They seem to care a lot about their granny. So much so that they’ve gone through the trouble of making a “Welcome Home” sign for her. But we’re not sure if the lady would approve of it. 

While the creativity on the signboard is quite dramatic, it does reveal the rather embarrassing information that their granny is returning from rehab after 17 days of being sober. Generally, such words of encouragement are expected from grandparents for grandkids, not vice versa! Well, we just hope the signboard didn’t cause poor granny to quit her sobriety.

Too Much Information?

This is another case of exposing too much information through a welcome note. Even though the “Welcome Home” sign isn’t exceptionally creative, the words written on it are enough to make passersby take a second look (maybe even roll their eyes).

And while we’re positive that the mother would be delighted to see her baby after such a long time, her level of enthusiasm at the sign can’t be predicted. After all, no one wants the world to know they’ve been locked away in prison! Anyhoo, we do hope that the child’s feelings and effort would matter above all for this family.

Dance It Out On The Ramp!

No matter how much you earn, you must love your job in order to get real joy out of it. And this marshaller sure is having the time of his life directing the aircraft to the right position. Look at how he’s dancing like nobody’s watching! Thankfully, someone from within the flight captured a video and uploaded it on the internet. 

While no-one cared why he was purposely putting on a show for the passengers before the flight took off, one thing any watcher of this video would agree on is that this guy should seriously consider switching his career to dancing!

The Right Way To Use The Autowalk

Being silly is never out of fashion, but it might seem a little too much when you’re at the airport with your extra-smart best friends. In such cases, you might either end up looking like geniuses, or you know what!

Take a look at these men pretending to be a human bicycle on the travelator. Although it looks like there are only three men, there are actually four, with another one lying down, contributing his hands as pedals of the bicycle. The level of creativity here is outstanding. It looks like these guys had a lot of fun while giving the onlookers something to titter about.

Practicing Before The Flight

Now, this is a great example of being young and humorous! These boys are a part of Bishop Kelly High School’s rowing team and it looks like they’re up to some mischief at the Chicago airport. While waiting for their flight, they found something rather resourceful at the airport to warm up – the auto-walk! 

Well, that’s a unique way of keeping up with the exercise, don’t you think? Gotta say it, these boys are quite smart and living the best years of their life to their fullest. We hope they came back victorious.

Don’t Turn Your Back On Kids

Aren’t all little girls daddy’s princesses? And doesn’t a princess do as she pleases? Well, these munchkins sure seem to be! It looks like the father here was very tired and chose the wrong place to take a catnap. We don’t know if he knew whether his daughters had stickers with them or not, but he sure made for the perfect canvas for them. 

As he relaxes his eyes, his girls were more than happy to turn him into art by pasting stickers all over his arms. We can only imagine his reaction when he looks at himself after waking up.

Camping Indoors Can Be Fun Too

Unless you’re a business traveler, layovers can be really frustrating. And it gets on the nerves even more if the waiting time exceeds a few hours. Sometimes, you might even have to wait for an entire day, and everyone can’t afford to stay at airport hotels. 

Devising an innovative solution to this issue, this man, who happened to be carrying a tent with him, created his very own campsite at the airport! And this is the best part – he set up the tent near a wall socket to make full use of the free electricity. Smart or what!

Was That Intentional?

This photo taken at one of the airports in Taipei created quite a buzz on Reddit. While you might find it mundane, when you take a closer look at the bag that the woman is carrying on her shoulder, it very casually says that there’s a bomb, a gun, lots of drugs, and even a knife in it; so basically everything that you SHOULDN’T be carrying to the airport.

In her defense, given that this is Taipei (a country that doesn’t use English so much), it’s actually possible she doesn’t know the meaning of the written words. But we’re sure the security personnel must’ve conducted a thorough check of the woman and her bag.

You’ve Exceeded The Baggage Limit

We’re all familiar with the slightly unfair assumption that a woman needs more luggage than a man on a trip. Well, in a bid to prove this true, someone was thoughtful enough to use his camera for clicking this epic photo at the airport. But things aren’t always how they seem.

What you’re seeing in this picture isn’t an actual luggage trolly, but a sculpture at the Sacramento International Airport made with 700 pieces of antique luggage pieces dating back to the beginning of aviation. This tower is 23-foot tall is part of a twin-structure called ‘Samson’.

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

This rather weird picture seems to show airport security officers forcing someone to go through a luggage scanner. At first glance, you might be prompted to wonder if this is a new kind of airport security system in which humans have to go through the scanner for a full-body scan. 

Thankfully, that isn’t the case. A much more believable (and logical) explanation is that maybe there was a problem with the scanner, and a technician was called to repair it. We can almost hear you go, “Aaaahhh…” Clever timing of the photo, by the way, isn’t it?

Spicing Things Up Behind The Scenes

Whoever was behind this LCD display was either in great mood or just blowing off some steam. Because an airport notification display program coordinator would never in their right mind play such a prank. This definitely isn’t how a boarding announcement should be made. Rather, it looks like a line out of some kind of hip-hop number. 

While it doesn’t look planned, we’re sure this little gimmick gave every person at the airport a good laugh. And maybe that was the sole intention behind doing this. Not talking to the ones who don’t enjoy sarcasm, though!

This Is Why Your Baggage Is Delayed

Even though enjoying your work is good for productivity, maintaining focus and efficiency is equally important. Joking around and wasting precious time isn’t taken lightly, especially at the airports. That’s why we do hope the senior staff doesn’t catch a glimpse of these ramp workers engaging in a little bonding activity.

While the picture shows them having a grand time with those traffic cones, we hope they’re doing it in their break, and resume work before passengers’ suitcases complete their fifth round on the belt! Because it just takes one frustrated passenger to ruin a good “tossing the traffic cone” day.

Who Needs A Pillow When We Have Each Other?

Places like airports are filled with emotions. On one side, you will find someone bidding farewell, while on the other, someone is welcoming a guest. Many are tired, some hungry, some unhappy with the flight packages because they got an uncomfortable seat, and all of this ends up making people sleepy.

But for this couple, leaning on each other gave the comfort a neck pillow could never give! Without giving a thought to what others make of them, this couple comfortably looks wrapped up with each other to take a nice and cozy catnap. What a golden way to make use of the waiting time before the boarding gate opens!

A Barbeque On The Ramp

Ramp workers at airports deserve all the praise in the world for the work they do. After all, it’s not easy to be working in extreme weather conditions, but these two have found the perfect way to grill some barbeque during their lunch break.

It might seem like a terrible idea considering that there’s a plane refueling right behind them but fire departments on most airports require the ramp crew to ensure proper distance from the planes and the fuel hydrant whenever they’re having a barbeque. We hope the passengers on the plane didn’t face any delays due to this cooking session. 

Yep, The Bench Will Do

Workout addicts love to flex anywhere, be it at the park, at their home, at the airport — wait… at the airport? Yes, of course. Look at this hulk who lifted a whole row of seats at the airport, that too with a woman sitting on one of them.  

It seems like this guy is hitting two birds with one stone. Getting a good pump before catching his flight, and impressing his wife (by the look on her face, we assume she’s his wife!). We hope they had a good vacation because chances are after this heavy lifting, he could well be put up in their room with a backache!