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Here’s What To Not Add On Your Resume, According To Experts

The job market is finally opening up after the pandemic and people have started applying for jobs after a long break. Some are looking for a career change while others are trying to upgrade from their previous jobs. Meanwhile, people are also updating their resumes, selecting their formal outfits, and practicing their job interview pitch in the mirror. However, the one thing people tend to forget is how important resumes are. It’s the thing that makes your first impression! So, with this in mind, you’d want to make sure that your resume stands out. There are so many articles online telling you about what to write but what no one tells you is what not to write. And, this is precisely why this article is worth a read.


andrea-piacquadio/pexels | Your CV is your first chance to make an impression on the hiring committee

1. Simple And Easy

The easiest way to catch the recruiter’s eye is to have a resume that’s simple and easy to read. The reader allows a few seconds for each resume, and yours should be structured in a way that they get an overview of your profile, i.e your skills, experience, and so on. A busy resume only makes it difficult for the recruiter and since they are working quickly, they don’t think twice before throwing your CV in the trash. So, the best way to get a recruiter to call you back is to simply have a sophisticated and simple resume.

2. No Details, Please

The only time your potential employers will need your details is when they invite you for an interview. It’s then that you can go into detail regarding your work experience and skills. If you add it to your resume, you’re only making it complicated and wordy, which might not leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. You can add headlines, and if you think the details are important, then you can discuss them when you get called for an interview.


vojtech-okenka/pexels | The best way to get a call back is simply having a sophisticated and simple resume.

3. Honesty Is The Best Policy

Everyone wants a good job but lying on your resume is not the best way to go about it! It might work out for some but why take the risk? In most cases, the hiring manager can easily see through your lies and can point them out. So, your best bet would be to be honest about everything.


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So, are you planning on updating your resume?

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