Brutally Honest and Comically Relatable: Life as a 30+ Woman in 2024

by Owen Chase

In 2020, illustrator extraordinaire Lainey Molnar decided to unleash her artistic mojo upon the world, channeling her personal escapades and womanly wisdom through the magic of art. But this isn't your run-of-the-mill doodle escapade – it's a captivating comic chronicle with millions of eyes glued and chuckles echoing across the digital realm.

It's no surprise Lainey's Instagram has over a million followers; this artist isn't just creating images; she's crafting an addictive cocktail of authenticity, humor, and spot-on accuracy. From navigating gender quagmires to skewering societal double standards, her page has become a relatable haven for all the thirty-plus women. In Lainey's own words, life choices aren't merely "good" or "bad"; they're gloriously personal brushstrokes on the canvas of existence.

A Nightly Struggle

Lainey's illustration speaks to a growing concern. Verified data from the National Sleep Foundation highlights that around 45% of adults aged 30-60 report experiencing poor or insufficient sleep at least a few nights each week. Stress, busy schedules, and increased screen time can contribute to sleep disturbances.

Unsurprisingly, the use of sleep aids, such as melatonin or sleep tracker apps, has risen as people seek solutions. Quality sleep is vital for overall health, but it's clear that many individuals, particularly those in their 30s and beyond, now struggle to achieve it amidst the demands of modern life.

Thanks, But No Thanks

A woman's dream of waking up next to a charming guy for life can sometimes take a hilarious twist. And Lainey's illustration captures it perfectly. Before their would-be romance could unfold, the guy's revelation of his 5 a.m. wake-up time triggers a comical "never mind" from the woman.

We get it; there's nothing like a cozy, sleep-filled morning. And hey, statistics add some fun facts to this mix – research shows sleep patterns shift as we age, with people over 30 often leaning towards the allure of staying in bed longer. So girls, catch those Zs with no regrets!

Yes, Please!

Lainey's illustration nails the dating scene's more toxic side. A man, ever so concerned, warns a woman about her 'high' dating standards, leading to a solo cat-filled future. However, her sassy comeback, ''Don't threaten me with a good time,'' throws the perfect curveball. And guess what? It's not just her!

Statistics dive into the hilarious reality – more American women are embracing the single life. A Pew Research report confirms that the share of never-married women in the US has doubled since the '60s. It looks like cats and wine nights are becoming quite the trend.

Different Forms of Self-Care

This time, we have a refreshing reminder that self-care isn't just bubble baths and face masks. It can mean taking a personal day off to chill, setting firm boundaries, having the courage to say no, or letting yourself be emotional. It's all about what feels right for you and what helps you recharge.

Considering that a whopping 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health, more women need to listen to their needs and take action to protect their well-being. So, cheers to making choices that feel good to your soul, whether that's a quiet day in or a good cry.

Not Our Place to Judge

In today's culture, judging someone based on their choices can be incredibly toxic. Society's unfair standards unfairly target people for being open about their preferences and dating history. It's like being stuck in a bad movie, and it’s time to hit pause.

A study by the American Psychological Association shows that such shaming can lead to lower self-esteem and body image issues. And it's worse for women. A 2020 survey revealed that 29% of Americans believe that women who've been with many partners are "less moral," while only 9% think the same about men.

Unrealistic Expectations

Lainey's illustration hilariously reminds us that just as you can't turn a pitbull into a chihuahua with diet and exercise, you can't transform yourself into an entirely different human.

In the US, weight loss fads are like those quirky gadgets you see on infomercials – enticing but often ineffective. The nation's weight loss market was valued at a jaw-dropping $72 billion in 2019. Now, that's a lot of kale smoothies! But what if, instead, we embrace our uniqueness, toss those absurd fads, and focus on what truly matters: self-love and celebrating the quirky beauties we are

What We Don’t See

Of course, we still remember all the moms out there. Lainey's artwork comically unveils the two sides of motherhood: the Instagram-worthy portrayal versus the hilariously chaotic, seldom-seen reality.

It may not sound like a lot to some, but American mothers spend around 14 hours weekly on childcare. And that's not including all their other duties around the house. That's like running a part-time circus while juggling life's curveballs! So, here's to all the moms; your ability to navigate the challenges of modern-day motherhood is genuinely astounding.

My Body, My Choice

Let's start with a significant contemporary concept: freedom of choice! In this comic, a woman proudly showcases her various personal choices, from fake nails to breast implants, challenging societal norms. Human nature often leads us to pass judgment based on appearances and decisions. Yet, it's crucial to remember that each individual possesses the right to express themselves authentically.

It's unjust to criticize or stigmatize someone simply because their choices don't align with a limited view of acceptability. Lainey reminds us we can contribute to a more inclusive society by embracing this diversity. So, let's celebrate personal expression without judgment.

Dress For Yourself

You'd think these two women's outfits collide: one adorned in a modest hijab and gown, the other sporting a daring sheer cutout top. However, clothing preferences diverge widely.

Various cultures around the globe impose dress codes on women, at times coercively. A Pew Research survey found that around 45% of Americans believe women face societal pressure to look a certain way. Lainey reminds us that by embracing diverse choices, free from societal judgments, we can foster an inclusive world where attire becomes a personal statement, not a confined definition.

Society’s Impossible Standards

The world first met Bridget Jones and her weight-loss struggles in 1996, but the tale still resonates today. Countless modern-day Bridgets are facing the same ordeal.

The media's portrayal of the "ideal" female as slender and under 60kg remains relentless. Alas, as Lainey points out, this has inflicted damage on women's self-esteem and mental health. Studies reveal that unrealistic beauty ideals contribute to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. It's high time to challenge these damaging norms. Remember, the true definition of perfection is the one you carve for yourself, free from society's constraints.

Respect a Woman’s Boundaries

Insisting a woman should smile, attributing her feelings to her period, or invading her space by touching her waist – these all share a common thread: a lack of boundaries.

According to a survey by Stop Street Harassment, 81% of women have experienced some form of harassment, often involving invasive comments or actions. In this modern age, it's disheartening that some are either unaware or deliberately ignorant about personal boundaries. We should all follow a code of conduct, including things we don't say or do to others, and it's time to respect that.

Can’t Do Anything Right

We've already discussed society's tendency to judge women based on attire. But this scrutiny doesn't just stop at judgment; it often leads to punishment and even violence. Shockingly, a global survey conducted by UN Women found that 97% of women aged 18-24 in public spaces had experienced some form of harassment, which often stems from appearance-based judgments.

Women worldwide are subjected to penalties and abuse, regardless of whether they're modestly dressed or showing skin. This alarming reality showcases the urgent need for change in societal attitudes.

Mental Health Matters

Thank you, Lainey, for highlighting how the phrase "It's all in your head" is all too common for individuals grappling with depression and other mental disorders. Tragically, society tends to prioritize physical illnesses over mental ones.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting over 264 million people. Sadly, the stigma surrounding mental health prevents individuals from seeking help. In the United States alone, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that only 43% of adults with mental health conditions receive treatment.

Is She Bossy or Just Assertive?

When a man is assertive, he's a leader; when a woman does the same, she's labeled bossy. It's a funny yet sharp commentary on how society views ambition through a gendered lens. Real-life powerhouses like Oprah Winfrey and Sheryl Sandberg have flipped the script, using their so-called "bossiness" to climb to the top of their fields.

Oprah, with her media empire, and Sandberg, as a tech titan, didn't get to where they are by being meek. They owned their assertiveness, and it paid off. With a staggering 50% of women in the workplace experiencing gender discrimination, it's clear we need to start celebrating assertive women for their strengths.

When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

In the U.S., the National Domestic Violence Hotline reports that nearly half of all women have experienced psychological aggression from a partner. Abuse in relationships isn't limited to physical harm; emotional abuse is pervasive and often goes unnoticed. Many women may not even realize they're enduring it. Manipulation, control, isolation, and belittling can inflict deep wounds.

Lainey encourages recognizing the importance of respect and understanding and, most importantly, knowing when to leave a bad romance. Fostering relationships prioritizing equality, communication, and emotional well-being is vital.

Not Everyone’s Racing to the Finish Line

Lainey cleverly showcases young women of the same age, drawing attention to a striking contrast between the two. While age is the immediately apparent common factor, a notable distinction only becomes evident upon closer examination - one's engagement ring.

Interestingly, statistics reveal societal expectations often pressure women to conform to certain life milestones by a certain age. However, things are changing. For instance, a Pew Research Center analysis found that in 2019, the median age for a first marriage had risen to 30 for women in the United States, showcasing a shifting trend toward delayed marriages.

First Date Reservations

Navigating first dates can be a strikingly different experience for men and women. And Lainey's honest take on the subject perfectly portrays the contrast.

For men, often the concern is whether they've been "catfished" – a typical online dating worry. But on the other hand, most women grapple with the critical matter of their safety. This stark distinction stems from the unfortunate reality that women are likelier to be targeted in violent crimes. So, no wonder they remain vigilant regarding personal security, even when it comes to dating.

Femininity Is as Femininity Does

The message is clear: femininity doesn't come with a dress code. We need to get rid of the outdated notion that women must stick to skirts and dresses to affirm their femininity. What about the freedom to wear a blazer or baggy jeans? This comic champions the idea that clothes are just fabric and not tied to gender.

So, women should get to wear whatever makes them feel confident and comfortable. Thankfully, more and more fashion brands are embracing gender-neutral collections, reflecting a shift towards inclusivity. We would all be better off once we realize that style is a personal expression and shouldn't be a societal expectation.

Self-love is Love Too

Lainey beautifully encapsulates the diverse forms love can take. Through four distinct images, she portrays a couple enjoying a romantic dinner, a woman engaged in a heartfelt phone call with her long-distance partner, a cozy couple at home on their couch, and an empowered woman embracing pleasure aids for some quality ''me'' time.

All these depictions remind us that love comes in various expressions tailored to each individual's unique journey. It isn't confined to a single template and flourishes in countless ways. And defining love is a personal journey that defies any one-size-fits-all definition.

Selective Feminism

Like this character in the comic, some men believe women are only feminists until the bill arrives, yet they are only feminists when it's time to pay. This comic highlights the deeper issue of wage inequality and how it plays out in the dynamics of dating. Women in America still earn about 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, making the financial strain of dating disproportionately heavy on women.

This creates an unfair financial imbalance in relationships. So, next time the check comes, remember, that feminism isn't about who pays the bill but about the broader economic disparities that women navigate daily.

Let Women Wear What They Want

Time for a delightful slice of wisdom on women's fashion dos and don'ts. Lainey insists the only thing a woman should stop wearing after hitting 30 is the weight of other people's opinions, and she's right. Women face an all-too-familiar pressure about dressing "age-appropriate," as dictated by society's ever-changing rulebook.

Yet, isn't it absurd that we let age define our wardrobe choices? Little wonder statistics reveal that 64% of women feel pressured to dress a certain way. So, here's to wearing what makes us happy, whether that's a glittery mini skirt or a comfy pair of sweatpants. After all, confidence is the best outfit, and it's one size fits all.

There's No Ideal Body Type

This time, Lainey is serving up a sharp critique of fashion retailers and their role in peddling the myth of an "ideal" body type for women. Trying to squeeze all women into society's absurd one-size-fits-all standard of beauty only makes them end up feeling like a misfit.

Fashion labels often miss the mark by catering to a narrow range of body types, leaving many women feeling sidelined. But here's the twist: we can change this reality by demanding more inclusive sizing and representation. After all, with the average woman in America wearing a size 16 to 18, it's high time retailers caught up with the real world.

Know When It Is Time to Leave

While we're on the theme of love, here's another thought-provoking visual. The women depicted share something in common: they offer common excuses for staying in toxic relationships. It's a relatable insight into the patterns many fall into.

The post resonates with the earlier emphasis on self-love. Remaining in relationships marked by neglect or pain contradicts that principle. Everyone deserves genuine love, respect, and appreciation. Settling for less is a disservice to oneself. Lainey's comic serves as a reminder to prioritize one's own well-being and happiness, ultimately encouraging healthier choices in matters of the heart.

Why Should We Celebrate Just One?

One woman is flaunting a shiny engagement ring, and the other is toasting her freedom from a toxic relationship. While society would probably celebrate the first more than the second, they're both big wins.

Lainey wants us all to flip the script on society's obsession with marriage by reminding us that sometimes, the bravest love story is the one where you save yourself. With society often putting a ring on a pedestal, it's refreshing to see a comic cheering just as loud for personal peace and happiness. And just for kicks, did you know that studies suggest being single can lead to a richer social life and more personal growth?

What New Moms Must Endure

Lainey highlights the changes a woman's body undergoes during pregnancy and motherhood, delivering a powerful message about body appreciation.

Statistically, maternal body dissatisfaction is a significant concern. A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found that around 70% of pregnant women feel dissatisfied with their bodies. Moreover, the pressure to achieve a postpartum "bounce back" can lead to body image struggles. It's time society embraced the natural transformations that come with motherhood for a positive body image culture. After all, every stage of a woman's journey is worth celebrating.

Women Don't Owe You Smiles

Women don't owe anyone a smile, especially not as a response to unwelcome comments about how they'd look "better" if they did. This comic is a cheeky clapback to the all-too-common form of street harassment that dresses itself up as a compliment. Society needs to remember that a woman's face is her own business, and comments on her expression are unwelcome and unnecessary.

With statistics showing that 81% of women have experienced some form of harassment or assault in their lifetime, this comic is a stand against the normalization of making unsolicited remarks about women's appearances. Women want to choose their expressions, free from the pressure of pleasing onlookers.

Housework Is a Life Skill

Cheers to Lainey for cleverly dismantling the outdated idea that housework is somehow a "wife skill." Many men need a reminder that knowing how to scrub a toilet, whip up a meal, or run a vacuum isn't encoded in female DNA—it's just basic adulting.

So, men need to pick up a mop and learn the domestic ropes, not because they're hoping to snag a spouse, but because clean living spaces and edible food are everyone's responsibility. A recent study shows that women still spend up to three times more on unpaid domestic work than men, and we need to level the playing field.

They Both Deserve Respect

Lainey Molnar is reminding us all that a career woman and a waitress should both be treated with respect because respect doesn't come with a job title. Whether a woman is nailing deals in a boardroom or serving up coffee with a smile, the level of regard she deserves doesn't change.

Society's got this weird habit of sizing up people based on their jobs, which is pretty messed up. After all, every job has its own challenges and importance. Plus, happiness in the workplace is less about the job title and more about feeling valued and respected. So, why should certain women be treated badly in certain occupations?

Body Hair, Don’t Care

The ever-fearless Lainey dives into yet another unspoken issue: shaving. You might be asking, "What's the problem with shaving?" Fair question, but consider this: Why do you shave your legs as a woman?

Sure, some do it because of personal preference, which is great. But it's not the same story if women shave because societal pressure dictates body hair is repulsive. Remember, it's natural for hair to grace our legs. So, if you'd rather skip the razor, go ahead – it's your call, not society's.

Women Aren't Objects for Men's Pleasure

This guy, like many others, insists he doesn’t want a woman "who's been passed around." Quick as a flash, the woman fires back, telling him that no one's really looking for a guy whose idea of a woman's value is how unused she is. It's a solid burn that highlights a major error in the dude's emotional intelligence.

We all need a reality check about seeing women as more than objects. Interestingly, studies show that higher emotional intelligence in men is linked to better relationships and mental health. So, if only more men could get rid of their outdated beliefs, they would enjoy happier and more fulfilling relationships with women.

Life After 30

While aging may bring about less glamorous aspects like back pain and avoiding high heels, growing older is a multifaceted reality. And we have Lainey's visual creations to remind us.

According to the World Health Organization, musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, become more common as people age, impacting daily activities. Moreover, studies show that foot pain, like from wearing heels, is reported by over a third of adults aged 65 and older. However, while the journey might include some bumps, it's essential to recognize that every stage of life holds unique treasures and experiences, including good ones.

The Importance of Self-care

A term often used but not always fully understood, self-care involves deliberate actions aimed at nurturing one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Incorporating self-care practices is vital for managing stress and promoting overall health. According to the American Psychological Association, doing so can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and increase resilience. The important thing is to remember it's a personalized approach encompassing activities that rejuvenate and empower you.

Remember, taking care of ourselves is not selfish; it's a necessary habit to ensure we are ready to handle life's challenges and maintain a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.

Life’s Natural Rhythm

While many folks associate noticeable transformations with phases like puberty and menopause, the human body is constantly in flux. Daily, subtle changes occur that are simply part of our body's natural processes. These shifts can manifest as the gradual thinning of hair, minor weight fluctuations, or even changes in skin texture.

Ultimately, embracing the evolving nature of our bodies is essential for fostering self-acceptance and promoting a healthy body image. So, the next time you notice something different, remember: it's all part of human life’s natural rhythm.

Live and Let Live

This is a poignant reminder of the golden rule: "Live and let live." It shows that women should be able to blissfully enjoy something super quirky, without a bystander waiting to rain on their parade. If it's not hurting anyone, let them be! We're all guilty of dishing out unnecessary judgment over harmless pleasures.

But wouldn't we be happier if we embrace the joy in life's simple pleasures, and encourage others to do the same? After all, studies show that engaging in activities we love can significantly boost our mental health and well-being. So, the next time you see someone vibing, give them a mental high-five instead of a side-eye.

The Problem With Gender Roles

Lainey Molnar nails it again with a comic that highlights how guys sometimes insist on scrapping gender roles but with a catch. This fellow's all for women footing the bill on dates and splitting rent, which sounds fair, right? But when the tables turn, and he's asked to share chores and look after kids, he’s like, "Nah, that's not for me."

The woman's comeback is the best response to folks who only want equality when it suits them. After all, society has made so much progress, yet, women still spend up to 2.8 times more on unpaid care work than men.

It's Only a Myth

This guy tries to justify why older men go for younger women, tossing out the old "girls mature faster" line. But the woman flips the script, arguing that if girls really do mature faster, then why not prop them up in leadership roles and have guys take notes from them?

It's the perfect way to take down that myth and highlight that maybe, just maybe, maturity isn't about age at all. Studies have long debunked the maturity myth, showing that maturity isn't just about gender or how early one hits puberty but involves a complex mix of social, emotional, and cognitive development.

It’s Never a Bad Time to Reach Out

Here's a reminder that things are often more complex than they seem. It's a common misconception that consistently available individuals have their lives impeccably sorted. In truth, this facade can mask personal struggles and difficulties. The friend who seems to have it all together may be grappling with their own challenges.

Reaching out and asking someone how they're genuinely feeling can create a safe space for them to open up about their experiences. Remember, appearances can be deceiving, and a simple conversation can bridge the gap between perception and reality, fostering genuine connections and a more supportive community.

Personal Choices Are Personal

The human experience is about the freedom to make decisions that align with one's journey. Yet, societal conditioning often imposes a rigid framework of right and wrong upon these choices.

For example, people frequently uphold marriage as an unquestionable aspiration. Simultaneously, choosing a path of homemaker over professional pursuits can raise eyebrows. However, these societal norms fail to encapsulate the multifaceted nature of personal fulfillment. Recognizing that our life's direction is not a one-size-fits-all formula is essential. Your choices should be uniquely yours, shaped by your aspirations, values, and circumstances, unburdened by preconceived notions of correctness.

Fostering A More Positive Narrative

Did you know that the American adult film industry garners annual revenues exceeding billions of dollars, and the figure keeps rising? Yet, the problematic undertones in these movies remain unchanged, especially concerning women. From body objectification to consent evasion, disconcerting themes persist.

With prolonged exposure to such content, distorted perceptions of love and relationships can become embedded into one's psyche. The more people view content like this, the more their perspectives on love and relationships become distorted. Adult content should champion inclusivity, diversity, and, most crucially, consent awareness.

The Self-care Stigma

Labeling and judging are pervasive behaviors worth discussing. Lainey offers two contrasting images: a woman engrossed in a book and another enjoying a meal. Society unfairly labels a woman who eats heartily as "insatiable" and one who prioritizes relaxation as "lazy." However, our bodies need nourishment and rest for optimal functioning.

It's essential to question why self-care is stigmatized. Did you know food shaming can have detrimental effects on mental health? By challenging these biases, we foster a more compassionate culture that supports everyone's well-being. So, why not celebrate taking care of ourselves without judgment?

He Can, She Can’t

No one does it quite like Lainey when it comes to highlighting the double standards surrounding men's and women's bodies today. Did you know that research shows persistent gender disparities in body image perceptions? The issue is quite perplexing. While some might perceive Lainey's take as an exaggeration, regrettably, this occurs all too frequently.

Research by Dove reveals that 70% of women still feel pressured to meet societal beauty standards. Whether armpit hair or a few extra pounds, society applies distinct standards to men and women. However, it's high time for equal expectations for all, regardless of gender.

Birds Do It, Bees Do It

Any guesses about what these women are discussing? That's right, they're talking about intimacy. It's no secret that many people tend to shy away from discussing their desires and pleasures with their partners or friends, but that's just precisely what we need to stop doing!

Open dialogue about pleasure and intimacy is vital for enhancing relationships. So, the next time the topic arises, feel free to join the conversation. Who knows, you might even learn a few new things that could come in handy later on!

Vibe With Your Tribe

Lainey delivers a poignant reminder with these illustrations. In the first one, we see a woman with a small pot plant gazing at another with much larger plants. In the second picture, the plants are similar in size. The underlying theme? The habit of comparing ourselves to others.

Life can be challenging when we continually expose ourselves to images of individuals who appear to possess everything. From there, it's a small step before we tumble into the pit of self-comparison and inadequacy. Rather than getting trapped in that spiral, channel your energy into finding your tribe.

Always Her Fault, Never His

Lainey sheds some much-needed light on responsibility and accountability. Look at this exchange between two men. Saying that ''Men aren't responsible for their actions when they're drunk,'' but drunken women are to blame for what men do to them perfectly symbolizes society's double standards. If men can evade accountability for intoxicated actions, why doesn't that stance extend to women?

Alcohol affects individuals across genders similarly, so the shockingly contrasting societal expectations are hypocritical. It's high time we dismantle such double standards and ensure everyone is answerable for their conduct, regardless of gender.

Keep It To Yourself

The topic at hand? Bellies. It's a constant that no matter where you wander, someone tends to hold a viewpoint about them. Perhaps you've encountered it firsthand – the uncomfortable gazes, the uninvited remarks, the advice you didn't ask for. Research indicates numerous factors can contribute to a noticeable stomach; anything from a satisfying meal to pregnancy could be responsible.

Whatever the underlying reason, remember that each body is distinct. And there's absolutely no need to voice your thoughts about it. Try practicing tact and silence instead of commenting on other people's physiques.

Just Another Day in Life

Who else can, regrettably, resonate with this collage? Lainey presents another stark reality about contemporary society and women. According to a survey by Stop Street Harassment, 81% of women have experienced some form of exploitation and harassment in their lifetime.

The sad truth is that women often face mistreatment, unwanted attention, and abuse. Looking for self-defense tools and classes, sharing tales of harassment, enduring unwanted touch without consequences, and perpetually safeguarding drinks are the unsettling norms for women and girls.

It Takes Two

Have you noticed the recurring theme in movies where women are often portrayed as responsible for cleaning and household chores while men relax? This depiction is all too familiar and frustratingly mirrored in the image below, highlighting an unacceptable norm.

According to an American Time Use Survey study, women still spend around 1.5 times more time on household activities than men. Society has long ingrained the idea that household tasks are exclusively a female's domain. However, as Lainey reminds us, such responsibilities are a shared life skill unrelated to gender.

Toxic Things People Say

Let's dive deeper into the contemporary understanding of mental illnesses. A hurtful statement frequently encountered by individuals facing mental struggles is, "You're merely seeking attention."

People often misconstrue and disregard mental health concerns, perpetuating a damaging cycle. The absence of visible wounds doesn't equate to attention-seeking; recognizing that mental health holds equal significance to physical well-being is crucial. Statistics reveal the importance of this matter - the World Health Organization states that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, underscoring the necessity to address mental health with the same gravity as physical health.

Trivializing Pain

The phrase "Everyone is sad sometimes; just snap out of it!" is something people with mental health struggles, especially depression, often hear.

However, depression isn't the same as ordinary sadness. It's a complex mental health condition that needs understanding and empathy to overcome. Telling someone to stop being sad is dismissive and shows a lack of awareness about what the other person might be going through.

It's worth noting that approximately 264 million people worldwide deal with depression, underscoring the need to replace dismissive attitudes with genuine support and understanding.

You Seem Completely Normal

Misunderstandings about mental health are widespread, and this is a major one. So many of us have heard, "But you seem completely normal; you don't look depressed."

Mental health challenges aren't often outwardly apparent like physical illnesses; they hide beneath the surface. Someone not appearing "depressed" doesn't invalidate their feelings. Listening to their experiences is essential rather than making judgments based on appearances. Notably, around one in five adults in the U.S. experiences mental illness in any given year, emphasizing the significance of breaking such misconceptions.

She’s Bossy, But He’s Assertive

Lainey hit the nail on the head with this one. Women worldwide have experienced being labeled "bossy" when taking charge, while men receive praise for the same assertiveness. It's a common gender stereotype.

Sadly, women often face criticism when asserting themselves and are seen as "aggressive." In contrast, guys are deemed "confident" and "strong" for similar behavior. This double standard hinders women's self-expression and goal achievement. Studies show that gender bias in our everyday language affects such perceptions. Recognizing and challenging these stereotypes is crucial for gender equality and empowering women's voices.

It's Important to Listen

This post shed light on a familiar relationship dynamic where partners sometimes seek validation for their feelings rather than solutions. It's a key lesson in effective communication.

Studies reveal that active listening and validation in relationships contribute to emotional well-being. Furthermore, research published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy emphasizes the importance of validating feelings. Such thoughtful responses can help foster emotional connection and reduce conflict. It helps to know when lending an understanding ear is more impactful than providing immediate solutions for healthier and more harmonious relationships.

Beyond Bubble Baths

Self-care goes beyond pampering, and Lainey's insight highlights this well. Recognize when you need to recharge. Healthy boundaries and emotional release are vital aspects. Shedding tears when overwhelmed is a form of self-compassion. Practicing this in our lives isn't selfish or weak; it's essential for overall well-being.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that self-care interventions can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moreover, a study in the Journal of Happiness Studies showed a positive correlation between self-care practices and life satisfaction.

Be Uniquely You

It's normal to catch yourself admiring someone else's features and maybe even wondering why you don't look the same. But guess what? You're not alone! Loads of folks compare themselves to others; if we're not doing it in real life, we do it on social media—that needs to stop.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology revealed that limiting social media use for just three weeks reduced depressive feelings and loneliness significantly, indicating the impact of comparison on mental well-being. Embracing our uniqueness and practicing self-acceptance is crucial for a positive self-image.

You Do You

How much do you let other people's opinions influence you? If it's a big deal, this picture is your wake-up call. Society's got this lengthy list of things they think women over 30 shouldn't wear. But here's the thing: we've got to ditch caring about those outdated ideas.

Respecting opinions is cool, but our self-worth should matter way more. Don't let anyone's thoughts chip away at the unique person you are and the choices you make. Studies show that women's self-esteem tends to peak in their 60s. However, there's no reason they can't achieve that in their 30s, too.

Single, Happy, and Looking for Love

Are you ready for a reality check about relationships? Many folks have it all mixed up! They believe relationships are the ultimate happiness fix, and being single equals misery.

However, you can be happy on your own and still desire a meaningful relationship. Building a solid self-love foundation is the real deal. It means you won't depend on others for joy and won't let anyone mess with your inner zen. Research also suggests single individuals can have just as fulfilling lives as those in relationships. It's all about finding balance and valuing your journey.

We Just Can’t Win

Here's another example of societal double standards that make no sense. Men might justify casual flings as fulfilling their 'needs,' but if a woman does the same, she's suddenly labeled worthless. It's like you can't win, right?

But here's the real deal: you can't please people dead set on judging you. They'll label you whether you sleep around or abstain. So, why sweat it? Don't let anyone push you into decisions that don't align with your values. It's tempting to seek acceptance, but at what cost? Stand firm, prioritize yourself, and make choices that empower you.

Live Your Life, It’s Yours

Have you ever felt like fear's got you in its grip, holding you back from living life to the fullest? Rest assured, you're not the only one battling those butterflies. The unknown tends to stir unease, but yielding to fear isn't the answer. So, why not grab that slice of pizza, indulge in dessert, embark on solo adventures, and dive headfirst into love, even if trepidation tags along?

Sure, the unknown can be daunting, but it's no justification for staying within your comfort cocoon. The universe is teeming with awe-inspiring experiences and doors wide open for you.

Self-proclaimed Providers

While some men insist they are the primary providers in relationships, a twist arises when a woman expects them to play that role. Suddenly, she's labeled a gold digger.

If you're taking on the provider mantle, wear it with responsibility. As of 2021, women in the United States earn about 82 cents for every dollar men earn, meaning a gender pay gap of around 18%. Minorities are even worse off. On average, Black women earn about 63 cents, Hispanic women earn roughly 55 cents, and Indigenous women earn approximately 60 cents for every dollar men earn.

Right and Wrong

It's a universal notion to hope for serendipitous encounters with the right person at the right moment; we're human, after all. Yet, life isn't always so kind. Even more disheartening can be crossing paths with the wrong person during a seemingly opportune phase. It's an experience many have faced where the timing is perfect, but there's no simply no compatibility.

Therefore, while seeking meaningful connections is natural, we must be careful and discerning about whom we invest our emotions, ensuring mutual respect and shared values underpin any potential relationship.

Rushing Isn’t the Answer

Marriage warrants careful consideration. Society's pressure to hastily tie the knot can lead to settling for less than one genuinely deserves. Instead, taking the time to build a strong foundation and waiting for a partner who genuinely appreciates every facet of your being is a far wiser approach.

Interestingly, according to 2020 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the median marrying age for women was around 28. It's a noticeable shift from previous decades, indicating that more women are delaying marriage to pursue education, career opportunities, and personal growth before making such a significant life decision.

Parenting Isn’t Babysitting

Hearing a father refer to caring for his own children as "babysitting" can be puzzling. Fatherhood is a considerable responsibility, and it's essential to recognize that it's not a temporary task akin to babysitting. Dads play a vital role in nurturing, guiding, and supporting their children's growth and development. Using accurate language to describe this role helps emphasize the significance and dedication it demands.

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2020, on average, fathers spend only eight hours per week on childcare activities, while mothers spend approximately 13 hours per week.

Strength Comes in Many Forms

We love Lainey for reminding us that strength comes in different flavors, even beyond what meets the eye. Picture a confident, beaming woman – that's one form of it. Now imagine a girl facing challenging times but pulling through – that's also strength in another way!

Being resilient isn't just about projecting toughness but showing courage by letting emotions flow. It's like a superhero's power to navigate complicated feelings. So, whether rocking a smile or embracing vulnerability, rest assured all women are channeling the incredible might within them.

The Lady Has Spoken

Lainey's message is crystal clear: when a woman says "no," it's not up for negotiation. Respecting personal boundaries means taking "no" at face value without pushing further. "No" isn't a challenge to overcome; it's a statement that deserves respect.

Remember, girls, our choices and limits are ours alone. We can confidently assert our boundaries with a firm refusal and stand by them. Fortunately, schools and institutions are increasingly integrating consent education into their curricula. While advocacy and awareness campaigns are also helping shift cultural norms.

Love is Love

Not all of Lainey's illustrations deal with life for women over 30. Here, she takes on the global issue of equality with her usual wit and style. LGBTQ+ individuals deserve the right to marry regardless of their dating preferences.

In 2015, the U.S. legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, a pivotal step towards inclusivity. Still, many countries grapple with this issue, reflecting the ongoing struggle for equal rights. Celebrating love and commitment knows no boundaries, and it's heartening to see progress in acknowledging the love that unites us all.

Stronger Together

We couldn't agree more, Lainey! Thank you for capturing the essence of women uplifting each other. Female friendships have a powerful impact on well-being. Studies show that having close female friends can lower stress levels and increase happiness.

In the U.S., women's social networks have expanded, with over 75% feeling comfortable discussing personal matters with friends. Embracing solidarity and encouragement among women fosters a supportive environment that leads to growth and empowerment. So come on, girls; together, we can debunk the myth of competition in a show of love and support for all women everywhere.

Untapped Potential

Unfortunately, even today, society's view of female maturity often falls tragically short of its potential. While girls may mature faster, that isn't just a reason to embrace traditional roles within domestic confines. It's an opportunity to recognize their leadership potential.

Encouraging girls' growth and giving them opportunities beyond marriage and motherhood benefits everyone. Studies show that diverse leadership leads to better decision-making. It's time to shatter stereotypes and value girls' development for the much-needed transformative impact it can have on our world.

There’s No Winning

Welcome to society's problematic and contradictory attitude toward women over 50. She's illustrated three very different-looking women in their fifties. They all look okay, but people still have toxic things to say about each one.

Cosmetic surgery garners criticism for "not aging gracefully," while natural aging renders women "invisible." These sentiments reflect broader issues. In the US, elderly individuals sometimes face challenges, from being overlooked to struggling in retirement homes. A report by AARP Foundation indicates that over 24% of people aged 65+ feel socially isolated. Recognizing and addressing these dynamics can empower seniors to maintain active, engaged lives.

There's No One-Size-Fits-All Approach

This comic is an eye-opener that tackles the myth of the one-size-fits-all approach to diet and exercise. Women could eat, drink, and squat the same but still rock wildly different body types. And that's thanks to genetics, metabolism, and other invisible factors that play huge roles in shaping our bodies.

This is a light-hearted reminder that women's unique builds are not just about the kale salads or the number of lunges they do. Scientists even say genetics can influence up to 80% of our body shape and weight. So, we're not all cut from the same cloth, and that's totally okay.

All Worthwhile Milestones

This comic from Lainey throws an all-woman party where every achievement gets an invite, big or small. From scoring that promotion to signing the deed on a new house, saying "I do," or even just winning the battle against the snooze button in the morning. It's a laugh-out-loud reminder that milestones come in all shapes and sizes, and they all deserve a round of applause.

Society needs to accept that women have the power to choose their own adventures in life. Whether they're climbing the corporate ladder, walking down the aisle, or just getting through the day, their victories are worth celebrating.

Learning to Love Your Body

This one hits the sweet spot with an uplifting reminder that the body you're sighing over in the mirror might just be what someone else wishes for. We need to have a real talk about insecurities because the grass always seems greener on the other side of the body spectrum.

However, embracing our own unique shape can actually lead to a happier, more fulfilled life. After all, a whopping 80% of women in the U.S. are dissatisfied with their appearance. So, this comic is a call to action to start loving the skin you're in because, chances are, it's someone else's version of perfect.

There's Room for Balance

This comic lands a perfect one-two punch on society's double standards: cheering on the career-driven woman while their bodies and minds scream for a timeout with some self-care, rest, and relaxation. Many women play a juggling act of trying to climb the career ladder without tripping over their own well-being.

But we need to remember that while society hands out gold stars for professional achievements, our health rewards us with peace of mind and a happy heart for taking it slow. This is why balance is key. So, let's aim for a life where climbing the career mountain and lounging in the valley of self-care go hand in hand.

What Being a Woman Means

We're throwing a party for every type of woman out there, celebrating the idea that being a woman means whatever you want it to mean. This comic is a vibrant shoutout to all the paths a woman can walk—be it in heels, sneakers, or barefoot. Whether you're scaling corporate ladders, crafting masterpieces at home, exploring the world, or anything in between, Lainey salutes you.

Here's your reminder that the only "right" way to be a woman is your way. And guess what? With women making up nearly half the global workforce, it's clear there's no shortage of paths to take.

When Will We Be Safe?

This time, Lainey's comic hits home with a powerful message about a serious issue: the lengths women have to go to just to feel safe walking at night. From keys between fingers to constant over-the-shoulder glances, it's a ninja-level survival kit for a simple walk.

With over 80% of women experiencing street harassment, it's clear we need a change. Now, imagine a world where women could stroll under the stars without turning into human Swiss Army knives. We can build such a world by lighting up the path with education, embracing consent culture, and creating stronger community safety nets for women and girls across the globe.

It's Just Edginess in Different Fonts

Here's a delightful take on the age-old tradition of each generation confusing the one before with their fashion choices. Gen Z's fashion is a remix of past decades with a bold twist of sustainability and gender fluidity, setting them apart yet somehow echoing the rebellion of millennials' skinny jeans and emo phases.

Despite the differences, both generations share a love for expressing identity and challenging norms through their wardrobes. So instead of criticizing the choices made by the younger generation, maybe it's time to celebrate the timeless cycle of innovation and individuality and acknowledge how women of each time choose to express themselves through fashion.

Women Uplift Each Other

It's time to celebrate the powerhouse that is female friendship. Behind every great woman are her ride-or-die girlfriends, ready with wine, wisdom, or whatever the moment calls for. This comic laughs in the face of the old adage about a man being behind a woman's success, instead highlighting the joy and strength found in women uplifting each other.

These bonds are not just about brunches and gossip but are the bedrock of support, empowerment, and endless inspiration. Studies also show that strong social ties can increase lifespan and improve mental health, so every woman needs the life-changing magic of having a squad of fabulous women by her side.

All Aging Is Graceful

This comic from Lainey serves up a fresh take on aging, showcasing women in all their glory, whether they're rocking makeup, embracing surgical enhancements, or flaunting a bare face. It's a fun, eye-opening reminder that aging is a unique journey for every woman, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to it.

Instead of judging, why not celebrate each woman's choice to age on her own terms? After all, with the beauty industry raking in billions annually, it's clear so many women are seeking ways to feel good about their appearance. They all deserve grace no matter how they choose to navigate growing older.