Clever Halloween Costumes To Inspire You This October

by The Hashtag Chatter Team

Halloween is a holiday loved by many, especially since it’s the time of year when you can show how clever and creative you are with a funny and unique costume. But there’s another side to that coin; many people might feel pressured and stressed when it comes to finding the perfect outfit. They’ll start looking through magazines and galleries on Facebook trying desperately to find something that hasn’t already been done too much. That can be quite a struggle since it always seems like someone has already thought of your idea. We’re not saying that it’s necessarily going to be easy this year, but hopefully, these ideas can help you out and spark your creativity a bit. So, grab your candy corn, and check out these clever Halloween costumes to inspire you this October.


If we were to give out a prize for the most realistic costume, then this person would certainly get it for their sloth outfit. If it weren't for the fact that sloths aren't that much into bicycles – and the size, of course – then we would probably never have guessed that there was a human inside. We wonder how long it took this person to make it…

When people online saw this costume, they were really amazed by it. Many people couldn’t believe that they had managed to create something so realistic. "How in the world did she make those awesome nails? The whole costume is amazing," one person said. And while we agree, we just hope that the fur is fake!

The Return Of "Ratatouille"

Having matching Halloween costumes can be something that binds parents and children together. Plus, the pictures will be something to look back on fondly in the future. Don’t underestimate the emotional impact that such an activity might have on their relationship in the years to come. Dressing up together can be a great bonding experience!

If you’re looking for a Halloween costume idea for your baby, then it could be a cool move to create Ratatouille costumes for both of you. As you can see in this picture, it can turn out to be really cute! That was also the reaction among many who saw the picture online as well. One person even commented, "It really helps when the cosplayer looks like the actual character.”

Terrorizing the Town

There are some people who really go overboard with the costumes that they create, and here we have a prime example of that. The daughter's costume seems relatively normal for Halloween, but the parent certainly took it to the next level by dressing up like this strange thing. It does look pretty inventive though.

It’s no surprise that there were people in the comment section who wondered if this was inspired by a specific type of movie. However, it seems to be the case that this was their own creation. It’s incredible to think that someone would be able to come up with something like this on their own!

Historical Reference

If you’re trying to find a particular topic in order to make a unique Halloween costume, perhaps you should take a look back in time. History is filled with endless characters who will give you food for thought, enabling you to create something that’s sure to astound everyone at your Halloween party.

However, when the other kids see something like this, they’ll probably have nightmares for some time. Having to witness something like this could scare even the bravest trick-or-treaters…including adults. These kids’ parents shouldn’t be surprised if other guardians start complaining about their kids not being able to sleep at night because they saw their classmate’s head chopped off.

Feminist Icons

Of course, history isn’t the only source of inspiration you can use when coming up with that perfect costume. Many people also look at pop culture and TV shows in order to find something unique to put on. And sometimes, you can look at both! For example, the girls in this picture mimicked the women from Hidden Figures to make matching outfits.

Clearly, these Hidden Figures aren’t so hidden anymore! These costumes were certainly a hit, as many people chimed in to say that they loved the outfits. One person even had the following to say: "Love the facial expressions! Yes, I could see these ladies taking over to make sure everything worked correctly...great looks.”

Throne of Swords

If you have a disadvantage, there are ways you can turn that into an advantage, and that especially applies during Halloween. Have a look at some of the TV shows that are currently trending and you might get some ideas about what you can do in order to make a unique impression this October that works for you.

Those in the comment section who also had wheelchairs thought that this was something they would like to do for Halloween. It’s amazing what you can do with some creative thinking and some craft glue if you put your mind to it. And that’s what Halloween is all about!

Shadow Me

When it comes to creating your own visual effects for Halloween, these two take the cake. When we first looked at these photos, we thought that it was really just his shadow, but then we understood that the other guy is just lying on the ground. Kudos to Peter Pan and his very own shadow!

Many people in the comment section were impressed by this combination of outfits. One user said, "The shadow really looks like a cardboard cutout in the 2nd pic!!" while another one commented that the costumes were "Most unusual and imaginative. Very good.” But we have to wonder…how did they choose who would be Peter and who would be the shadow?

The Cutest Puppy

This little girl might not have had a human companion to bring along for Halloween, but she had something even more impressive: her dog. These Halloween costumes for her and her four-legged friend inspired by Beauty and The Beast are definitely on point! It looks like these two could star in their very own Disney movie.

In the comment section, many people expressed how much they loved these outfits. One user said that "I'm dying out of cuteness.” Meanwhile, another user found themselves nostalgic: "I'm trying to imagine being a little girl again. I would have been thrilled to have such a fantastic costume.” If you’re looking for a toddler costume, this would be perfect, but it would also be great for an adult and their pet too!

Method Teaching

History is filled with gruesome events, but although they were horrific at the time, that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with such topics many years later — especially when it comes to Halloween. This person teaches microbiology and wanted to bring along a special costume for Halloween to use as they taught about the plague. And it turned out perfectly!

We’re not sure if this teacher got their costume tailored for this event or if they just came across something like this in a costume shop, but many people thought that it was really fascinating. "That would definitely [make] memorable lessons for the students," one user said. Another commented, "Wow! Your students must be impressed! Why [have] I never had a lecturer like you?"

Making The Most Out Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy obviously has its ups and downs, but there are many reasons to celebrate, especially during Halloween. When that time comes, you might not be able to wear the same kinds of costumes that you did before, but there are, in turn, other doors that open up when it comes to wearing new ones.

This pregnant woman, for example, decided to take some inspiration from The Simpsons to impress her friends at the Halloween party. It might not be the most sophisticated costume out there, but it sure does win a few points for being unique. It’s amazing how some yellow body paint and a squiggly line can transform a person into such a notable character!

A Formal Apology

The person who posted this picture captioned it, “My little brother has autism, he thinks a little differently than the rest of us. This year he decided to be a formal apology.” Something like that might be out of the ordinary, but that’s just what Halloween is all about. The more unique, the better!

While this costume is out of the box, it doesn’t take much to put it together. All you need is some formal clothes and a handmade sign! Needless to say, there were many people who commented on the costume and found it awesome: "that is a perfect costume!" one user said. Another user stated that "I have autism, too, and I LOVE that costume! It's funny and cute!" 

Fresh Take on An Old Favorite

There are some people out there who aren't able to separate work from play, even during Halloween. And in this picture, we see a prime example of that. This woman dressed up as the paperclip from Microsoft Word…but with a twist. Although she may be taking her work a bit too seriously, we have to admit it’s a unique take!

Many of the people who commented pointed out that this seems to be a costume that she created herself. Among the community, that’s seen as a positive, since it means she has more creativity. One user commented, "that's why I always DIY my costumes...but also because store-bought costumes are either crappy looking or out of my budget.”

So Wacky

Not all Halloween costumes will be all that sophisticated. There are some among us who want to be a little bit crazier with their costumes, which is ok. Look at this Halloween costume, for example. It lacks the sophistication of many of the other costumes that we have seen, but it makes up for it in quirkiness.

"This is the kinda thing I'm looking [for], something you can do on a budget with only 2 hours before the halloween party," one person commented. Another said, "You really get a workout with this costume! I'd be exhausted by the end of the night, hahah!" Nobody would notice if you were a bit tipsy in this one, that’s for sure, since you’ll look wobbly one way or the other.

Improvised Lara Croft

Having a disability can be difficult in many ways, but those who deal with them on a daily basis have to learn how to make the best of them. One person who certainly turned her disability into an advantage is this woman, who opted for a Lara Croft costume with a little bit of a twist. Kudos to her for being so innovative!

The comment section was crowded with people cheering her on: "She looks so cool! She could go as ‘Florida Woman’ next year, just get a bigger gator," one user said. Once you think about it, the opportunities are endless. The same idea could apply to characters like Indiana Jones or Archer too. She’ll never run out of Halloween costume ideas if she keeps this up!

What a Doll

Many of us grew up watching the Chucky movies, which terrified us into never wanting to have a doll ever again. Fair warning, some of that trauma might come back when you see this rather unique Halloween costume. This kid seems to really be enjoying his portrayal of one of the tiniest movie villains of all time.

But there were some people in the comment section who did question how it was even possible to make something like this happen: "good grief — how did you get a kid that age to stay still [long] enough to put makeup on like this?" one user asked. Another one commented on how scary the costume was: "I'd have a heart attack if I saw this kid running towards me.” We’d have to agree with that sentiment!

Fan-favorite Character

Some people see Halloween as a time when they can pay homage to their favorite cartoon characters. This guy, for example, thought that was a splendid idea to put on a costume portraying a real-life version of Russell from the movie UP. He might look a little bit older now, but he still seems to bring the same sense of joy and wonder

However, there will always be haters trying to bring you down…literally. These might not be really serious haters, but people in the comment section did mention that he would need a few more balloons to actually fly away: "According to MythBusters, it would take almost 3500 balloons to lift a child, so... he's a little short," one user said.

"Men In Black" Makes A Comeback

If you’re a fan of both comedy and sci-fi, you’ll probably remember the first Men in Black movie. In the film, this particular little alien certainly gave us a different perspective on what having an avatar entails. It seems that he inspired someone’s Halloween costume as well, which looks perfectly at home on the streets of New York.

The people who saw the costume online were really amazed by all the work and effort put into the costume. "The level of detail in this costume is amazing," one user said. Another user pointed out an obvious source of confusion: "You would never know who you're talking to. You could be dissing your ex, and find out that's him," they said.

A Work of Art

Banksy has become iconic for his street art and mysterious persona, especially in the U.K. But while his fans may love his work, it’s not every day that you see a costume inspired by the artist. Nevertheless, this person decided to imitate one of his famous images for Halloween.

The costume in question probably didn't require that much effort, but we still think it’s rather unique. The only problem is that they’ll need to have the same pose all the time or else people won’t know what the costume’s supposed to be, which might get old after a while.

The Local Weatherbat

People in the mainstream media are often known for having stiff personas and not being able to let loose. But this weatherman goes against the norm. He decided to dress up and bring some fun to his weather report for Halloween with this clever costume that only a TV personality like him could pull off.

People in the mainstream media are often known for having stiff personas and not being able to let loose. But this weatherman goes against the norm. He decided to dress up and bring some fun to his weather report for Halloween with this clever costume that only a TV personality like him could pull off.

"Hocus Pocus"

While many costumes on this list are handmade, this one is store-bought. But the wearer has added their own charm and alterations to make it even better, completing the look with the signature face and a crafted prop. While we’ve seen many Winifreds on Halloween, this one might be the best because of these personal touches!

According to the person who posted this image, the wearer actually works as a costume designer to create outfits for wrestlers and cosplayers. But of course, this Winifred getup was just for his own pleasure and entertainment…although, seeing a WWE guy in something like this would certainly be a Halloween highlight!

No, Georgie!

Can a costume be both cute and scary at the same time? Well, upon seeing this costume, we have our answer. This little baby is dressed up as the character Pennywise from the horror movie It. Such a costume probably didn’t take that much time to create, but it sure does make a big impact.

Even though many users thought that this was indeed scary, they also admired how creative it was: "No. I’m gonna have nightmares…That is creative though," one user said. Some people also said that they thought the baby’s eyebrows were hilarious. We admit that it does help to lighten the mood!

At the DMV

Most people wait to put on their costumes until they go to a Halloween party, but some people stuck at their workplace for the holiday might put them on a lot earlier. And who are we to blame them? If you put all that effort into coming up with a cool idea, it would make sense that you would want to show it off to as many people as possible.

When one person paid a visit to the DMV, they were faced with this sloth. Even if you haven’t seen Zootopia, you’ll surely pick up on the joke here that the DMV is notoriously slow. "I knew sloths worked at the DMV, nice of them to have taken off their human costume for halloween," one user commented.

Going the Extra Mile

Some people only do the bare minimum when it comes to Halloween, as they’re just trying to get through the holiday without having to put in that much effort. But then there are those who go to great lengths in order to make sure their costume is just right. This person, for instance, opted for a Skeksis costume from The Dark Crystal, and with their attention to detail, they definitely pulled it off!

There were some who weren’t too pleased to see this rendition, however: "Oh good. The thing that scared me the most as a child is now available in the real world. LOL," one user said. Not only will this be instantly recognized by those who grew up in the 80s, it’ll also be familiar to those who watched the newer Netflix show, so it’s sure to reach its audience!


The Guardians Of The Galaxy has turned into a pretty popular franchise these days, so it’s not all that surprising that there will be those who want to recreate some of the characters when Halloween comes along. This woman, for example, decided that she wanted to dress up like Gamora, and it’s safe to say that she got the makeup just right.

People in the comment section were especially impressed with her face paint, too. One user said, "WOW! How did she get her skin green? That would be a challenge." Another user responded, "Some kind of body paint. That would take patience.” While that’s true, it certainly paid off with a stunning result!

Shaken, Not Stirred

Dogs and cats aren’t usually all that happy about having to go to the vet. But sometimes, there’s just no avoiding it. In that case, why not make an unfortunate situation into a funny one? After all, there’s nothing that pets like more than to be dressed up for Halloween…right? Especially when it involves a cone on their head…

As we can see, this dog was turned into a martini drink. We just hope that it stopped there and he didn't have to go around serving people as well. He looks like a good boy, for sure, but he doesn’t exactly seem pleased by this arrangement, and being put on drink duty would make it even worse!

Paying Homage

Anyone familiar with Rick and Morty will certainly recognize this costume. While many may try, executing such a costume well is another matter altogether. But this person really put in the effort to pay homage to the show, and it seems to have paid off. The attention to detail and the commitment to the role is clear even just from these two photos.

However, one person in the comments pointed out the obvious practical difficulties when it comes to wearing something like this: "Looks awesome, wonder how do you see in it though?" they asked. Another user responded with a theory that "It's probably made of mesh or something…"

Bringing Back Childhood Memories

If there’s one character that’s sure to bring back some childhood memories, then it’s Inspector Gadget. Many remember him and his classic theme song, which we can somehow still remember to this day. There’s no doubt that this guy probably brought up some nostalgic feelings for the people at his Halloween party when he showed up with this costume.

According to commenters, the person underneath this costume is actually just as crafty and creative as the real Inspector Gadget. "This is a cosplayer who goes by Knightmage, he has an awesome IG account," one user said. Obviously the stakes are higher at Halloween for someone who dresses up often, but this guy raised the bar!

Double Meaning

This girl posted a photo of herself dressed up like a table. But it’s not just any table, she’s a "one night stand.” Anyone who has reached a certain age will, of course, be able to see the double meaning here. Kudos to this girl for the interesting word play for Halloween and for the creative costume. We’ve never seen anything like it before!

Many people commented to say how hilarious this outfit was. Most of them thought that she was really creative, but one user also pointed out that she must have strong shoulders. We do admit that the whole contraption looks a bit heavy, and it must be difficult to fit through doors!

Super Mario — Drag Edition

If you’re tired of the same old costumes and don't know what to do for Halloween this year, then it might be a good idea to mix it up a bit and introduce some new themes into those ordinary, over-done costumes. That’s what these two did by adding a bit of drag into their Super Mario-inspired outfits.

People who saw this couldn’t help but commend them on their makeup. One person said that "Those blue contacts look amazing! Nice touch. And that makeup!" Meanwhile, other people went even further with the compliments: "Peach has such perfect skin that I’m almost [convinced] he’s a mannequin.”

I Know It!

The person who posted this photo added a caption that said, "I told my friend his costume was amazing and he said ‘Shut up, baby I know it.’” Isn't it wonderful when people don't just put on a fun costume but also manage to act accordingly? Most people would just wear it without bothering to embody the character, but he went the extra mile!

The comment section was full of people who wanted to pay tribute to Bender too, as they saw him as their favorite character. That’s not too surprising, since he’s one of the most beloved of the Futurama crew. But in order to create this costume on your own, you’ll probably need quite a bit of time and patience.

This Costume Will Rock You

If you didn't grow up in the 80s, you might not be all that familiar with the late Freddie Mercury. He made some of the most astounding songs of our time, but sadly passed away way too soon. As the icon he is, however, there are those who like to pay homage to his legacy by dressing up as him for Halloween.

Needless to say, the comment section was filled with people naming their favorite song by him and his band, Queen. Hence, this person didn’t just bring up the memory of an awesome musician but also made people remember many of their favorite songs, giving them a dose of nostalgia. What a fun way to spark conversation!

The Perfect Umbrella For Halloween

Among all of the costumes that we’ve seen so far, this one might be the most unexpected. This little girl has an entire jellyfish outfit, although the largest part of the jellyfish is actually mounted to her umbrella rather than being worn as a costume. Now, if it starts to rain, she’ll be dry and the jellyfish will get to swim a bit!

Many people in the comment section found this costume to be absolutely adorable and cute. One person commented, "I love the placement of her candy bucket so she can hold her umbrella at the same time. What an adorable and clever costume idea.” The costume would also be relatively simple to make. All you’d need is some scrap fabric, battery-operated fairy lights, and an umbrella. Oh yes, and some big googly eyes, of course!


If there’s one toy that really brings back childhood memories it’s LEGO blocks. To be able to dress up like a LEGO man for Halloween would probably be any kids dream. But as someone in the comment section asked, we wonder how the kid is going to be able to walk in such a costume.

It sure looks like it would be difficult for this kid to move, but he’ll probably pull through since it’s Halloween and all. One thing is for certain: he’ll probably get more candy than all of the other kids when he knocks on the door looking like this.

Time-traveling Toddler

It has been a popular trend to try to bring back characters from old movies, and we can't say that we don’t approve. It’s nice to be able to relive a bit of our childhood in this particular way. For example, this family thought that it would be a cool idea to put on costumes from the Back To The Future franchise.

Although the parents’ costumes are rather simple and take just a few select wardrobe pieces to pull off, the child’s wagon is what really takes the cake. With some markers and cardboard, this child’s toy has been transformed into a DeLorean fit for flying to the future.These parents had better keep a close eye on this baby or they might just drive off into tomorrow!

Half and Half

If you’re a fan of Beetlejuice, then you’ll understand this costume immediately. While many people dress up as the titular character, this woman decided to go for another character in honor of the anniversary of the movie’s release. This outfit is certainly out of the ordinary, but that’s what makes it so great!

People who saw this costume, however, were just as confused as they were astounded. The whole contraption looks quite bulky, and it’s not clear how someone would move around in it. Is it on wheels or do they really have to carry it around with them? According to the person who posted this image, the costume was made of cardboard and PVC pipe, so luckily, it wasn’t too heavy!

Eye Spy A Great Halloween Costume

When we saw this costume for the first time, it was difficult to distinguish between the person and the actual makeup — it’s just that good! The person who made this post said that she really wanted to make a kid cry during Halloween with this getup. By the looks of it, we’re sure she met her goal!

At least one person in the comment section seems to have cried at least, commenting, "Do I count even though I'm technically not a kid anymore?" While this costume doesn’t require much of an outfit, it certainly make an impact and is really unsettling. But it doesn’t even compare to how scary the next costume is…

He Misunderstood The Assignment

The person who posted this picture of their kid's Halloween costume wrote, "I told him to pick something cute for Halloween.” The kid, on the other hand, clearly didn't listen, or perhaps he just didn't care, seeing as the final costume turned out to be anything but what we would describe as “cute.”

Although this costume is admittedly pretty cool, there are probably many people out there who wouldn’t be on board with the idea. The kid in question will probably get a lot of candy though, since those opening the door will most likely just drop it all and run away in fear.

Niche Audience

Sometimes, when you try to come up with a joke for Halloween, it will be difficult for some people to understand what it’s about. This person said, "Half my friends went as Game of Thrones characters so I thought I'd pick something scary... most of them didn't get it.”

One person in the comment section said "Did you scare them by telling them when the next book will be finished?" For those who read the series, the decades-long wait for the last book is certainly frightening. But if their friends missed the joke, that must mean they’re only fans of the TV show. Hopefully this George R. R. Martin lookalike ran into some other bookish fans along the way who picked up on their humor.

Walking Art

In some cases, the costumes that don’t take that much effort are the best, especially when they’re unique. You don't always need something incredibly sophisticated in order to create an impressive costume. Sometimes, the simpler option can be just as interesting as one that took hours and hours to create.

The costume in question isn't all that scary, but it sure does have a philosophical and poetic flair to it. She might not win first prize if there’s a contest at the Halloween party, but she’ll definitely spark some discussion about her costume, which depicts a famous shredded Banksy artwork.

Bringing Back Old Movies

Blade Runner has once again come into the spotlight due to its recent remake. But this woman paid tribute to the original version by putting on a well-known outfit—or at least it’s well-known among the people who are really into the Blade Runner franchise. No OG fan could miss this costume!

A few of the people in the comment section highlighted the fact that it isn't easy to adapt the costumes of today to the fashion that they had back in the 80s. As the poster mentioned, they had to use six shoulder pads to get that classic look for the hand-tailored suit.

A Quick But Clever Option

Among all of the various outfits that we’ve seen thus far, this one is probably one of the funniest. For many people, Halloween is about looking scary, but there are other ways to approach the holiday. Some people would prefer to make people laugh than to make them scream in fear.

For someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to create a costume or who’s dragging their feet about coming up with something, this is the perfect, clever solution. All you need is a blank shirt and a sharpie and you’ll certainly have one of the greatest costumes at the Halloween party (with minimum effort).


If you haven't watched a lot of South Park, you might have no clue as to who this is supposed to be. But if you’re interested in the franchise, you’ll know that this is Jimmy. This guy really brought his sense of humor to Halloween this year by deciding to go as this character.

Perhaps this costume also inspired some of his friends. After all, there are many South Park characters, and they’re easy enough to dress up as. Since the cartoon was originally created using construction paper, printing out your own mask to use as an easy costume idea would be a simple but effective trick.

Two Very Different Kids’ Costumes

We really don't know what kinds of horror movies this person's kid has been watching, but based on what they have on for Halloween it’s safe to say that they’ve been getting into some scary stuff. But as for their sibling…well, they went a much different route. See if you can spot them in this photo!

You’ll see the first kid in the forefront, but the other kid isn’t found so easily. That’s by design! If you haven’t spotted them yet, go back and look again. Once you find them lurking in the background, you’ll see why this setup is so clever. Although the two characters couldn’t be more different, each sibling is fulfilling their role perfectly!

A Lookalike

This guy made a post of his Halloween outfit with the caption, "This Halloween I thought I should respond to the comparisons with Disney Pixars biggest bully next door and go as Sid from Toy Story.” We definitely see the similarities! Could there be a more perfect costume for this guy?

If you closely resemble a villain from a cartoon, is that a good thing or a bad thing? As long as he’s not using that magnifying glass to do evil deeds, we’d say it’s ok. Looking like Sid is one thing, but acting like Sid is quite another situation altogether.


This little kid might be way too young to actually watch any movie in the Alien franchise, but that doesn’t mean they can’t contribute to an awesome October outfit created by their parent. This baby fits perfectly into this Alien power loader suit, which we must say, looks pretty incredible!

“First Halloween?? You DO realize the bar you've set, right? (Niiice!)" one user commented. Admittedly, it would be hard to top such a costume, especially because it seems to have taken many hours of careful planning and crafting. But someone with this much creativity is sure to have a plethora of ideas up their sleeve…or robotic arm, rather!


Hollywood is all about remaking movies these days, which can be both a positive and a negative. But one thing is sure, it creates plenty of inspiration for Halloween costumes, especially when it comes to group costumes. And what crew is more suitable to bring along on your ghost-hunting adventures than your own pack?!

In the comment section, the internet showed us once again that people can really come up with clever puns. One user, for example, called this "Ghostpuppers!" Another had an even fancier name for these doggos: "Ghostbarkers!" Whatever you want to call them, they sure are adorable!


This costume might be simple, but it packs a punch…literally! This example just goes to show that you don’t need much to put together a great Halloween outfit. All you need is a bit of ingenuity to make a great impression. And this girl certainly has that!

If you just saw this without having read the caption, you would probably be pretty confused as to what this. What do you think she wanted to convey if she has on boxing gloves, a boxing outfit, and a line on one of her gloves? She’s a punch line, of course!

Pirate Dad

There are some people out there who have certain disabilities, but many of them manage to show us time and time again that they’re able to approach life with humor. For example, this person posted a picture of her Dad, who had dressed up as a pirate for Halloween…but not just any pirate!

They explained that their dad is blind and decided to wear a double eye patch. Many people thought that this was quite clever. It’s not the kind of costume that just anyone could pull off, after all. Considering he was also playing the piano, one commenter even dubbed him “Stevie Plunder.”

Childhood Favorite

Speaking of unique costumes, this guy was really able to personify Wilt from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. If you’re not familiar, the show was a fan favorite in the early-2000s and was about a group of, you guessed it, imaginary friends living in an orphanage after their human children had to give them up. 

"I remember my daughter watching this, it was weird. Nice inspiration though," one person said. While the wacky characters of the show aren’t the most common costume inspiration, especially nowadays, they sure can bring up some feel-good, nostalgic emotions. Anyone who watched the show would instantly recognize this guy as the loveable Wilt…even without the googly eyes and strange whiskers.

Travel Bug

If you can get away with going to the Halloween party wearing something that you didn't need to pay extra for, then that’s, of course, a good thing for your wallet. If you save money on your costume, you can save your funds for more important things…like fall décor and buckets of candy!

This woman posted the following picture with the caption: "I’m finally sharing my DIY Halloween costume! A travel bug!! It’s superrrr easy to make and I didn’t have to buy any new supplies!" Even though the costume was quite simple and didn't cost much, there were still people commenting on it who thought that it was a really cool idea: "Omg this is so cute and clever!! Totally keeping this in mind for a future costume!" one user said.

A Breadwinner and A Trophy Wife

Sometimes you only need basic items from around your home to create really funny Halloween costumes. In this case, this couple posted this picture with the following caption: "Our ‘punny’ Halloween Costumes! Bread winner and a trophy wife. Can't wait to get into our family costumes on Halloween!"

These two didn't even need to put on fancy Halloween costumes in order to make people laugh out loud. They most likely just found stuff lying around and decided to use their cleverness to make it work. And they really did deliver! With just a trophy, a winner’s ribbon, and some bread, you can make this costume too for Halloween!

Couple’s Coachella

We have seen quite a few examples thus far of people who have been clever when it comes to wordplay. Here’s yet another example of a couple who managed to pull off a great pun. This interesting photo was posted with the simple caption "Coachello.”

Some people commenting did, however, wonder how practical this costume was, particularly the cello part. "How do you sit???.... ooohhh you don't sit," one user said. Some people are just willing to sacrifice their comfort for the cause of Halloween and a great idea…especially if it’s only for a few hours for a costume contest or party.

Christmas is Coming

It’s a wonderful thing when people want to make the world a better place. These two thought that Halloween would be a good occasion to spread joy and came up with this interesting costume, which has a touch of Christmas spirit to it. But it’s even funnier when you realize that the woman’s name is Joy.

Some people needed to comment to clarify the pun for people who didn't understand what it was all about: "No. It's a punny Halloween costume because of Joy's name. Get it? We are delivering Joy to the world.” But we think this costume would be pretty clever even if your name wasn’t joy. After all, Christmas is right around the corner after Halloween!

Make a Wish

Not everyone will be able to buy a detailed costume in time for Halloween. Sometimes, there’s just too much else that’s going on. It’s only natural that this chore would be put on the back burner when there are other priorities. However, that doesn’t mean you have to go without. With a few ingredients, you can create a great costume like this one!

This woman posted, "If you've left your Halloween costume till the last minute like I always do, don't resort to buying some plasticky junk on Amazon. Make your own with what you have — it's waaaaay better for the planet and you won't be one of hundreds of witches on Halloween night."

Miss Universe

Miss Universe is a phrase that we humans came up with that’s a little bit strange. It would have been a better idea to use some more local or regional terminology for our own solar system, or even our own planet. But this woman used this irony to her advantage to create a great Halloween costume.

Several people commenting on the outfit thought it was both cute and creative. It’s also the perfect costume for anyone who hoped to one day be in such a pageant but missed their chance. It might not be the real thing, but at least you have an out-of-this-world Halloween costume!

The Tin Woman

The same duo that posted the travel “bug” costume idea also shared another great concept, a classic tin man costume. While you could go all out with this type of character, a more subtle and homemade approach like this one is a lot easier to tackle and, as many commenters pointed out, a lot more comfortable to walk around in, too!

Others commented that they’d really like to see the tin woman do the robot. Unfortunately, it seems like the creator didn’t complete the request. But we’re sure that anyone who wants to dance the night away (doing the robot or otherwise) would have no trouble in a costume like this. And that makes it a winner!

Going Green

That very same duo decided to go green for Halloween for this idea, which they captioned:  "The moment you've all been waiting for... the big Halloween costume reveal! This year I've created this crazy cactus lady costume cause what else would I go as???" We just hope that she didn't strive for realism with the prickly parts!

One user commented, "This is freakin hilarious!!! I am a total fan [especially] since cats are not really my thing. And we don't have a dog, but I do have plenty of succulents. I ♥️ it!". For anyone else out there who’s a big succulent fan, it might be a cool idea to bring your plants along this Halloween and try this one out.

Reuse, Recycle

Thus far, we’ve brought up many cases where the Halloween costumes have really worked out well. But there are other cases where things didn't go exactly as planned. Sometimes, you’ll be forced to abandon your costume idea for Halloween and instead look for something else due to a change of plans or weather.

This woman posted this picture with the following caption: "I was going to go to a Halloween party tonight as a woodland fairy but it’s gonna rain and possibly snow tonight...I don’t want my wedding dress (yeah, I was gonna finally be able to reuse my wedding dress!) to get all gross and dirty. Oh, no! What should I go as instead?" We’re not sure what she ended up decided on, but we hope it worked out!

Literary Inspiration

This woman seems to be of the opinion that Halloween should be less about scary things and monsters, and more about fun and glitter. Therefore, she made a costume based on a classic children's book and choose the iconic rainbow fish as her costume inspiration!

It’s a great idea to look to literature for costume ideas, whether that’s adult fiction or something from your childhood that will bring back fond memories. A costume like this wouldn’t be that difficult to pull off, either, especially if you have some basic sewing skills and a few scraps of colorful fabric….oh, and some glitter too, of course!